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Blog 1: Using Virtual Reality Creatively in School Settings


Updated: Apr 9, 2023

VR “is the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment which can be explored in 360 degrees.” (Wong, 2021). VR places the user inside any virtual environment. Any country, any city, fiction or not, giving an immersive experience. This requires a VR headset which allows for the removal vision of the real world and provides the user a video to each eye. This student-cantered learning experience encourages critical thinking skills (Choi, Yoon, Song & Choi, 2018).

Figure 1: VR being used in classrooms (Carlton, 2020).

VR provides students with the opportunity to learn with experience rather than traditional writing and reading increasing student engagement. VR can be used across many KLAs, particularly history. Students explore the locations that they learn about in their history lessons through VR, such as museums, the ruins of the temple of Venus and Rome and Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander cultures. VR supports learning for students with special needs, it gives the opportunity for students to go on virtual excursions. Students who have a physical disability will benefit from this, also this social benefit allows for increasing peer interactions for special needs students (Riva et al., 1998). The virtual environments (VEs) in VR can be customised to the needs of children with varying literacy, physical, language and cognitive levels. Students with sensory disorders will also benefit as VR can be modified in a way that presents less auditory and visual cues. The flexibility of design in VEs to allow the enhancement of strengths of an individual rather than allow a disability to limit their interactive capabilities (Riva et al., 1998). Teachers are also able to supervise headsets in use with modern applications such as Google Expeditions (Southgate et al., 2017),

Figure 2: Ancient Rome in VR ((VR Rome (360 Video), 2016)

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has set out standards to ensure that learning is a student-driven process. ST1.7 says students need to “use digital tools to broaden their perspectives and enrich their learning…working effectively in teams locally and globally.” (ISTE, 2021). ST1.6 ensures students “communicate clearly and express themselves for a variety of purposes” (ISTE, 2021). Students are able to enhance their creativity and use high order thinking by creating their own environments with VR. The application CoSpaces allows students to create their own virtual world which can be used in the curriculum. For example, students can use their own understanding to create an environment of what they imagine Indigenous lives looked like from day to day (daily tasks, traditions, etc).

Figure 3: Video by Tablet Academy showcasing VR in classrooms. (“VR in the Classroom - Tablet Academy,” 2017)

Figure 4: Class VR from Tablet Academy (Class vr from TA, 2017)

The limitations of VR include cost; headsets are quite expensive, and it could cost billions to make VR reach the masses (Southgate et al., 2017). With any programmed software there is always the risk of functionality issues this is inconvenient in the classroom and lastly, there is the risk of deteriorating real human connections. (Hicks, 2016).


Carlton, B. (2020, August 8). Lenovo VR Classroom 2 Updates Aim To Simplify VR Education. VRScout.

Choi, K., Yoon, Y.-J., Song, O.-Y., & Choi, S.-M. (2018, October 11). Interactive and Immersive Learning Using 360° Virtual Reality Contents on Mobile Platforms. Mobile Information Systems.

Class VR from TA. (n.d.). Retrieved March 5, 2023, from

Hicks, P. (2016, December 29). The Pros And Cons Of Using Virtual Reality In The Classroom. ELearning Industry; eLearning Industry.

ImmersionVR. (n.d.). VR for Education | The Future of Education. Immersion VR.

immersive, P. V. learning experiences engage students in fully, h, imaginations, s-on activities T. active learning opportunities ignite students’, Subjects, I. in N., immersive, help them to acquire modern skills before joining the workforce P. V. learning experiences engage students in fully, h, imaginations, s-on activities T. active learning opportunities ignite students’, Subjects, I. in N., & Workforce, H. T. to A. M. S. B. J. the. (n.d.).

VR in Education: Advancing Learning Through Immersive VR. Intel. Retrieved March 5, 2023, from

ISTE. (2021). ISTE Standards for Students.

Jeffs, T. (n.d.). Virtual Reality and Special Needs.

Riva, G., Wiederhold, B., Molinari, E., Mccomas, J., Pivik, J., & Laflamme, M. (1998). CURRENT USES OF VIRTUAL REALITY FOR CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES. In Virtual Environments in Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience.

Skwiot, S. (2022, December 7). Virtual Reality in Education: How Schools Are Using VR - 42West. 42 West, the Adorama Learning Center.

VR in the Classroom - Tablet Academy. (2017). [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.

VR Rome (360 Video). (n.d.). Retrieved March 7, 2023, from

Wong, D. (2021, September 1). Research guides: Virtual Reality in the Classroom: What is VR?

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Mar 08, 2023

Hi Jana,

I thought your post was quite insightful and seemed to cover the fantastic ways in which VR can be so versatile in the classroom context. I thought it was particularly interesting that you stated that this could be used across all KLA's. I quite like that the technology is easily portable however when designing the activities, in your opinion would the lessons be teacher or student led?

I quite liked that VR could allow students to have a more immersive experience when studied foreign concepts and think you explained that really well!

- Nellie Alchikh (7/8/2023)


Ayah Sawan
Ayah Sawan
Mar 08, 2023

Hey Jana,

I believe your chosen topic is excellent as VR is a fast emerging technology. The layout of your website is easy to navigate and is visually pleasing. I really enjoyed watching the videos as they explained VR well and this is useful for educators trying to implement VR in their classrooms. You have explained how VR can be used across a a range of subject areas however I would have liked to see specific curriculum links. I also would have liked to see some pictures/videos which were directly taken by you.

Than you for the educational blog!

Ayah Sawan (08/03/2023)


Dyala Chahab
Dyala Chahab
Mar 08, 2023


Great blog! Sufficient information covering creativity and limitations. Good explanation on how this can benefit students with disabilities. I like the interactive videos and images you have included in your blog however, it might be helpful to have your own images of you trying the headset. Maybe this would be more useful for readers to further understand how to use it. Overall, amazing blog!

Dyala Chahab (08/03/2023)


Mar 07, 2023

Hello Jana Khaled,

I really enjoyed your blog, the set up of your blog was very helpful and organised. The content provided was very helpful and friendly for students who don't really know much about VR. Great links made when talking about education within the classroom. I also liked how you used various appropriate videos to show the importance of VR in a classroom. It might be helpful to add an example of how or what year group would benefit to VR. Besides that it was an amazing blog, great job.

Mariam Haideri (08/03/2023)


Davis Luo
Davis Luo
Mar 06, 2023

I enjoyed the read on the utilisation of VR in a classroom and educational setting as it is certainly one of the more talked about emerging technologies. I personally believe that there is a place where VR belongs in classrooms and we shouldn't shy away from the idea of utilising it. There is a major issue about VR headsets which was not addressed however and that is the effects it has on the health and wellbeing of students. Some students may be prone to motion sickness as a result of wearing the heaedsets which can impede their learning experience as it is pretty difficult to be engaged while feeling dizzy/sick. The post was structured well with the videos being a nice…


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